Remember my struggles with the hair of the mermaid I was crocheting for my niece? You can read all about that HERE

All that struggling has finally paid off, or at least it is now at an end! Sigh of relief! Really now, I'm almost inclined to just make bald amigurumis from now on... 

Let's take a look at the final result! 

mermaid doll crochet pattern

mermaid doll crochet pattern

mermaid doll crochet pattern

mermaid doll crochet pattern

mermaid doll crochet pattern

mermaid doll crochet pattern

mermaid doll crochet pattern

mermaid doll crochet pattern

So here she is, in all her pink and aqua glory! She is about 56 cm (22 inches) tall, from the top of her head to the fins of her tail. She has all the bling around her neck! This is one sassy mermaid!

I'm really pleased with the final result. Now let's see if we can find her a little friend to play with!

Want to make your own? Find the mermaid pattern on this blog post and get busy!

Happy Crocheting!