Add some West Coast "joie de vivre" to your wardrobe with the patterns of award-winning crochet designer Karen Whooley. In her crochet pattern book "Coastal Crochet" Karen has combined her love for the western coastline of the United States with her trademark look of intricate-looking patterns. 

These lovely garments include shawls, cowls, cardigans, tops, hats and gloves. Each pattern includes instructions for customization, charts and a special stitch section, making them suitable for every crocheter that is familiar with basic crochet stitches. 

Let's take a look at some of the wonderful creations included in this crochet pattern book: scroll down and choose the one you'd like to start with!

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Click the photos for the link to the patterns!!

Bobble hat Crochet pattern

Cardigan vest Crochet pattern

Cowl scarf Crochet pattern

Pullover sweater Crochet pattern

Pullover sweater Crochet pattern

Scarf Crochet pattern

Scarf Crochet pattern

Shawl Crochet pattern

Shawl Crochet pattern

Shawl Crochet pattern

Shawl Crochet pattern

Sleeveless tank top Crochet pattern